being alone doesn't mean lonely. being alone is more like an expression of independence and personal freedom. you are free to do what you like, you are free to enjoy your me-time and you are free to decide to kill those times.
In some perspective, solitude seen as a form of weirdness. Most people find it weird. How could you spend all your time alone at the cinema?
How could you do a trip for vacation... alone?
Well, I guess in this modern life, we are like moving and running in fast forward mode. and we're not doing it alone. We're doing it in a big group of people. society? community? organization? ensemble? you name it.
Somehow to drag ourselves out of the crowd is like a therapeutic movement. You could breathe deeper by looking how spacious around. The best part is you could deal with yourself privately.
The best feeling in my opinion is peace. I could describe it as a feeling of relief, freedom, light, and bright but at the same time it's soothing.
There's nothing wrong by doing your leisure time alone. It's not selfish. You've been dealing with a lot of people most of the time. It doesn't mean you don't love you beloved around. It's just a time to remind ourselves that we need to love and indulge ourselves in the right way.
My best package of solitude :
1. grab a trip to Bali...alone (don't forget to bring a few great books and nice playlist in your ipod)
2. stay in a nice hotel
3. sleep tight and wake up when you feel like you want to
4. eat
5. go to the beach, jog on the white sand beach, sunbathe, and swim in the sea
Next, sit on the beach and watch the ocean surface waves till dawn. don't forget to watch the beautiful sunset. Enjoy the melody of the waves when it hits the shore.
After that...get up and clean, grab a dinner. then fill up the jacuzzi in your hotel room with warm water...relax and unwind...listen to your playlist.
Go to sleep, wake up, pack your stuff, go buy something for your family and friends...soon catch the flight back home
I think i'm going to do this......as soon as possible......
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