Saturday, April 25, 2009
Take it or Leave it
Saat proses latihan fisik berlangsung, sebut saja misalnya lari atau bersepeda. Akan ada satu momen dimana energi kita uda pol bgt. Napas juga uda ampe megap-megap. Rasanya ud mesti stop atau sebentar lg kita bisa roboh. Kalau kita turutin kemauan kita buat stop justru saat itulah kita sedang membahayakan jantung kita. Detak jantung yang turun secara terjun bebas akan sangat membahayakan keselamatan kita. The worst scene scenario we could end up die. Sudden death.
Hal serupa juga bisa terjadi dalam kehidupan profesional kita. There would be a time where we have reached our fatigue point. We feel like giving up. Tapi saat kita berhenti akan ada banyak konsekuensi yang harus kita pikul. Yang paling jelas adalah kita bisa saja dapat cap buruk krn dianggap tidak profesional maupun dianggap tidak bertanguung jawab. Hal tersebut akibatnya adalah ke reputasi dan nama baik kita sendiri. Remember?! Good name worth more than gold...
The best thing to do is just move forward. Ga ada orang yg mo pulang dengan tangan kosong kalo baru separo jalan menuju tempat tujuan. Lagipula saat kita stop mendadak, biasanya rasa capenya ga langsung berasa.Tunggu bbrp menit kemudian baru berasa kalo napas dan badan kita ud ga lg seirama.
I guess segalanya akan jadi disfungsional saat tidak diselesaikan sebagaimana mestinya. Lalu pertanyaannya kapan kita boleh cooling down?
The answer is... as soon as possible after all the 'party' over
Nothing Lasts Forever
Om Frans seinget gue uda tinggal di komplek perumahan ini sebelom gue dateng sekeluarga menjadi penghuni. Yah bisa dibilang gue gede dengan ngeliat dia bertambah tua. Gue liat waktu anak-anaknya masi SMA lalu kuliah dan sekarang semua anak-anak uda menikah dan punya anak.
Yang gue tahu dia selalu keliatan bahagia. Pagi-pagi dia uda bangun dan duduk di teras depan rumahnya sama Tante Lis,istrinya. Ritual duduk-duduk di teras akan terulang lagi di sore hari dan itu terjadi setiap hari. Sampe gue mikir ni org idupnya enak bener, relax bgt...dan paling keliatan...dia kompak abis ama Tante Lis. Semuanya mereka lakukan berdua dari duduk-duduk ngobrol di teras ampe bersih-bersih halaman rumah mereka.
Beberapa hari sebelom Om Frans pergi, Tante Lis uda bolak-balik berkali-kali buat check up ke dokter krn sakit. Yg gue denger kalo ga salah ada masalah di lambungnya. Tapi siapa yg sangka justru yg ga sakit dan adem-adem aja justru yg duluan pergi.
Emang ga selamanya org bakal hidup terus. Akan ada waktunya masing-masing yg bakal ditempuh oleh setiap orang. Waktu yg misterius dan waktu yg cm diketahui oleh Tuhan. Emang betul jam terbang kita uda ada yg nentuin. Dan kita ga bisa ngelak dari 'kontrak jam terbang' yang kita punya meskipun kita ga pernah menandatangani surat kontrak apapun dengan perihal jam terbang.
Demikian juga dengan keseharian selamanya kegitan kita sehari-hari akan kita lakukan dalam bentuk dan situasi yang sama. Tante Lis masi bisa tetep duduk-duduk di teras setiap pagi dan sore hari. Ritual yang sama yang uda dia jalanin selama bertahun-tahun. Hanya saja kali ini dia harus duduk sendirian...
Well, kalo ngomong masalah ending...akhir dr sebuah proses. Pertanyaan yg selalu muncul di kepala gue adalah 'apakah gue bakal nyesel dg smua yg uda pernah gue jalanin dlm proses 'jam terbang' gue? kan harusnya waktu itu gue begini bukannya begitu.' atau hadir sebuah pernyataan 'wah gue puas bgt gue uda ngelarin kontrak...uda maksimal bgt dan uda ga ad yg kelewat lg buat disesali'
Monday, April 20, 2009
‘Ooo, I wish it didn't happened’
‘I wish I were taller’
‘I wish I could be his boyfriend’
‘I wish I were superstar’
‘I wish I were famous’
And there would be so many more 'I wish' would come up…..
When I was younger I used to think…
'Why I am not as smart as him?'
'Why I don't drive a better car?'
‘Why I don't have a bigger house that equipped with swimming pool, gym, and jacuzzi?'
well, it's been a long time. in fact i'm still alive until now. I survived through all those imperfections that haunted. And now I’m thankful with what I have. Ihave nothing less although all I have is not flawless. I have family and friends that love me although sometimes they pissed me off. I have a job that suits my want and need. I have opportunity to do things I like. So what else should I be worry about? Girlfriend or life partner? Ah it can wait so just chill and lay back.
Culture and lifestyle that we're facing nowadays somehow caused us to get insecure about what we are and about what around us. In a modern world people tend to be judged by their having and not by their being. I remember how I used to imagine to live somebody else's life. At the end, through times I've learnt that people that I used to envy , found out that they don't live happily as much as I thought. Yes they are loaded but they are sick and shattered. Yes they are good looking but they are insecure about what people might say about them. Yes they are incredibly smart but nobody wants to be friend with them because thay are not easy to be friend with others.
All those facts hit me in a sudden awakening. Why should I be disappointed with what I am? I'm not perfect, I don't have a knock out figure, I don't have private jet coz my family can't afford it, I'm not dressed with designer's label ,I don't have fancy car, and I don't live in a luxurious mansion. But guess what? I'm still living and amazingly I could enjoy live with all those imperfections around. I'm not incredibly smart but I could have a job and I am enjoying it. I'm not physically perfect but I'm happy at least I'm not having any deadly disease. I'm not rich but I still can afford to do things I like.
So ,does perfection matter? It depends... it depends on how you feel and see things through different point of view. First impression does matter… I agree on that point. But first impression can’t talk too much about yourself. Remember Susan Boyle?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Yes, I did make mistakes. At some point in my life, I tried so hard to be a better person. Move on and patch things up.
Another pages that I would love to tear out is the bad experiences chapter. Some moment in life that caused pain and traumatic memories.
But suddenly I realized it was such a coward moves trying to forget all those bad stuffs by escaping from reality.
Although still I don't understand why did all those stuffs could happened to me but believe it or not those bad experinces have made me who I am today. If now I'm a tough guy, it's beause all the lessons that I've been gone through. If now I'm a bastard that's because my decision,wrong decision anyway,to deal with those pains in a wrong way.
As a human it's so normal to keep on trying to be in a better position or in a better place. But somehow things don't always go our way. We messed up.. we screwed up and at the end we're trying to patch things up.
The best attitude to deal with all these things is just face our fear bravely. Realized how fragile we are. By realizing how fragile and vulnerable we are , we could remind ourselves that we have nothing to be proud of. Why we got to be proud on our fragility?
We all are broken in certain ways....and only us that know how to treat our wound and pain within
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
after office hour

masi belom bisa tidur akhirnya gue memutuskan buat post satu entri lagi. abis pulang kantor tadi gue makan malem di sushi naga...akirnya rekor juga gue makan di ni resto 3x dlm bulan april.
Sushi Naga adanya d ruko meruya deket kebon jeruk. yah gue jadi kayak marketing sushi naga begini. menurut gue sh perlu dicoba soalnya harganya agak miring dibanding resto sushi ternama yg ada di mal2 terkemuka di ibukota (uda mulai pake bahasa rekomendasi ala harian kompas). enak deh terutama buat penggemar sushi, gue sarankan cobain. cara paling gampang buat kesono kalo ga tau jalan...silahkan ikuti mikrolet m11 arah tanah abang- meruya

being alone doesn't mean lonely. being alone is more like an expression of independence and personal freedom. you are free to do what you like, you are free to enjoy your me-time and you are free to decide to kill those times.
In some perspective, solitude seen as a form of weirdness. Most people find it weird. How could you spend all your time alone at the cinema?
How could you do a trip for vacation... alone?
Well, I guess in this modern life, we are like moving and running in fast forward mode. and we're not doing it alone. We're doing it in a big group of people. society? community? organization? ensemble? you name it.
Somehow to drag ourselves out of the crowd is like a therapeutic movement. You could breathe deeper by looking how spacious around. The best part is you could deal with yourself privately.
The best feeling in my opinion is peace. I could describe it as a feeling of relief, freedom, light, and bright but at the same time it's soothing.
There's nothing wrong by doing your leisure time alone. It's not selfish. You've been dealing with a lot of people most of the time. It doesn't mean you don't love you beloved around. It's just a time to remind ourselves that we need to love and indulge ourselves in the right way.
My best package of solitude :
1. grab a trip to Bali...alone (don't forget to bring a few great books and nice playlist in your ipod)
2. stay in a nice hotel
3. sleep tight and wake up when you feel like you want to
4. eat
5. go to the beach, jog on the white sand beach, sunbathe, and swim in the sea
Next, sit on the beach and watch the ocean surface waves till dawn. don't forget to watch the beautiful sunset. Enjoy the melody of the waves when it hits the shore.
After that...get up and clean, grab a dinner. then fill up the jacuzzi in your hotel room with warm water...relax and unwind...listen to your playlist.
Go to sleep, wake up, pack your stuff, go buy something for your family and friends...soon catch the flight back home
I think i'm going to do soon as possible......
Happy ending
Dalam keadaaan santai dan tenang kayak gini gue jadi banyak berpikir. Yah gitu lah gue emang orang yg banyak pikiran. Kalo pake bahasa kerennya gue banyak inspirasi dan imajinatif hahaha ah kentut lah….
Akhir2 ini emang gue byk bgt pikiran hahah kerjaan lg ga terlalu nyiksa sh cm yah ada aj lah ini dan itu yg bikin kepala ga perna kosong. Gue cukup terhibur ama kehadiran temen SMA gue yg ud dlm 3 hr ini slalu berangkat bareng gue k kantor. Bahkan bukan hanya cukup terhibur melainkan gue sangat terhibur hahaha seneng aj akhirnya bisa punya waktu lg ama temen lama di sela2 kerjaan. Yup dr temen SMA trus sekarang kita sekantor.
Honestly, I have huge respect terhadap temen gue satu ini. Dia sgt dewasa dan menurut gue bijaksana dalam menyikapi berbagai situasi dan keadaan. Kalo ampe skrg gue masi bisa bersahabat baik ama dia , gue yakin salah satunya adalah krn kedewasaan dan kebijakan dia dalam menerima segala kekurangan dan kesalahan yg perna gue buat ama dia. Gue akui gue pernah berbuat kesalahan yg sangat memungkinkan buat sahabat gue ini buat benci dan ga lagi mau menganggap gue temen. At that time , I felt so guilty and desperately hoped that she could forgive me. Gue sempet takut bgt ketemu ato ngomong ama dia di waktu gue salah tersebut. Yeah I was one fucking coward. yup begitulah dari temen jadi demen. So cliché ,isn’t it?
At the end, I really liked her more than friend. Now who doesn’t like her anyway? She’s smart, bright, fun, loveable, easy going and wise. Dia juga ud pernah tau kalo gue dulu sempet suka ama dia. Tapi ga ngerti kenapa…abis dia tau, gue takut bgt kehilangan dia. Yup yup yup I’m one fucking weirdo. Gue takut kl perasaan gue yg lebih dr temen itu bakal terminate friendship gue dan dia. Oooo man, I’ve been keeping this issue and guilt for months. Ada faktor insecure juga dr gue. Gue takut ga bisa masuk ke kehidupan dia krn gue takut akan kenangan dia dan mantannya. I knew that she and her ex had been through tough times together and I was afraid that I couldn’t help her out of those memories. Sesudah kejadian itu, gue takut bgt kalo hubungan gue dan dia ga bisa balik baik lg seperti semula. And it’s kinda killing to imagine that we would be in some kind of cold war.
Akhirnya seminggu stelah gue bilang kalo gue lebih memilih berteman…gue memberanikan diri sms dia buat ngajak pergi krn kebetulan temen2 SMA kt lg ada rencana mo ngumpul. Surprisingly, dia menyambut ajakan gue dg positif. Meskipun tetep ada rasa takut…tp akhirnya gue jemput dia pas di hari yg ud dijadikan kesepakatan.
Singkat cerita, ampe skrg kita tetep bersahabat. Well, thank God for that. One thing for sure, I respect her even more. She shows positive attitude and behaviour in our relationship as friend or even at those not-so-good-times back then.
Few months ago, she told me that she’s officially in a relationship with her co-worker. The first thing that came to mind was…oo thank God she found someone better than me. And it’s true, he is a nice guy. Obviously, he is lucky and I’m happy for them. The best part of all this is I don’t lose her as my best friend and I learned so much from her about forgiving and letting go.
(seharusnya ini gue post kemaren tp krn ad masalah connection maka baru bisa post skrg)
Sekarang masi siang n masi hari selasa pula…damn…duduk d depan laptop milik kantor tempat gue kerja tanpa tau mo bikin ap. Sebetulnya gue ud ga ad kerjaan d minggu ini.bole ga gue ga masuk aj istirahat ampe jumat??trus senen depan gue masuk lg ??saya berjanji jika saya diberi istirahat ampe jumat, senin saya akan masuk dengan senyum paling lebar dan semangat paling membara. Ah katro deh gue
Buat menyamarkan keadaan gue yg bisa di bilang ‘pengangguran berkantor’ ini…gue baca2 blog punya org. seru bgt ada bbrp cerita yg bikin gue ketawa n ada jg yg bikin gue mikir …ternyata smua org ngadepin yg namanya kejenuhan n kejemuan. That’s what I’m dealing with right here right now…
Let’s take a few moment of thinking…..
Mengapa di saat kita bangun pagi, kita bangun dgn mata belekan n muka bantal sambil mikir : ‘duh males bgt nh gue’
Nyaris jarang bahkan hamir ga pernah gue denger org bangun pagi yg kayak d pelem2…bangun langung dengan muka cerah trus nyengir kuda sambil buka jendela dlm sekejab mukanya langsung penuh dengan pantlan sinar matahari…diiringi bisikan ‘selamat pagi dunia’
Tadi pagi gue berangkat kerja ber4. banyak manfaat juga berangkat kerja rame2 pertama bisa mengalihkan rasa males n berat stlh bangung tidur selain itu bs nembus jalur 3in1. org pertama yg gue jemput namanya Sheilla Meriska hahaha maap bu,nama lu ga gue sensor.[cek] anyway Sheilla adalah partner in crime gue dr jaman SMA. Dulu waktu SMA dia duduk d belakang gue (betul ga yah??lupa2 inget nh) pokoknya dulu dia ga sebawel n ga segila sekarang. Gue rasa pengaruh dunia kerja ud menggeser jati dirinya yg sesungguhnya.
Pertanyaan gue pertama saat dia masuk mobil,” lu bawa laptop ga?”…kmrn dia lupa bawa laptop padahal gue ud berkendara kira2 1 km menjauh dr rumahnya. Trus dia jawab,”laptopnya gue tinggal d kantor.” Oooo trus g tanya lg ,”lu ngerasa males ga sh tiap bangun pagi mo k kantor?” trus jawabannnya,” gue sh selalu males.” Hahaha
Gue langsung mikir emang bener tuh adegan pagi di pelem2 cuma boongan. Dalam situasi dimana naluri menaklukkan gue kalo lg gede..cih najis dah naluri menaklukkan , emang kata gue singa…yup lanjut kalo naluri menaklukkan gue lg gede , gue ngerasa bisa melakukan apa aja.
Bangun pagi? Hajar!!!!!
lembur? mo berapa jem, ampe nginep juga gue jabanin
olahraga? Dalam keadaaan ‘gila’ dulu gue sering gym 3 jem non stop ampe pas pulang badan gue kayak mo meledak ujung2nya terbiasa jg sh ga berasa mo meledak lg
tapi napa sekarang gue uda ga kayak gitu lg??? there must be something wrong going on in there….
how could I get back to my passion and spirit way back then? People said ,”go take a break and have a vacation.”
I had a vacation last weekend but it didn’t work. All that came to mind after that vacation over was why the long weekend had to end up so fucking fast???!!! I still need more
O God please help me to get back on track. Yang gue tau, gue punya tujuan, mimpi, cita-cita, dan orang2 yg gue sayang yg selalu berdiri dgn tatapan optimis karena mereka percaya sama gue…o God help me not to disappoint them
I just hope I could fight n knock myself out…the biggest enemy is still myself and my own head
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Amelia Lestari
Si ame ini anaknya banyak bgt topik kl ngmg ama ni anak rasanya smua isi perut bisa keluar. topik kita biasanya ga jauh2 dr sobat kita yg ud sukses n mendadak jadi sombong bgt ato cewe kepo yg sering bikin gue pusing. but shit ni anak slalu menganggap hal yg terakhir itu sbg bahan joke buat ngeresein gue.
anyway ada satu ability dr ni anak yg ampe skrg sedang sangat ingin gue pelajari.. well i guess everybody has been through not so nice experiences right?! ni anak bisa melupakan smua kejadian ga enak dlm hidupnya ampe dia bs yakin kalo ditanya bahwa dia ga perna mengalami kejadian tersebut. what a freak!!!but unfortunately apa yg dia lupa,selalu gue inget so gue selalu ingetin dia tentang kejadian2 seru yg dia alami. bukan seru sh tepatnya aib...
long weekend
well it' s all about doing something,isn't it? how much do you love what you're doing?
the same question also should be thrown to i really love what i'm doing?
mmm let's see ... i work in a public accounting firm that requires a lot of working hours...fiuh....anyway i still enjoy it ,'s just sometimes i feel like i'm having an intercourse with this job...
why do people work?to get money, to be rich or just for self actualization? damn somehow i caught in a thought...God's curse for Adam has been too strong even nowadays it's not just men that have to work hard but also women....anyway tomorrow is monday. i'm not a fan of monday i guess i am a monday hatred
there's always the first time
well finally i own a first time i don' t think i'm into blogging but at the end i decide to create a blog because sometimes i have a lot of thoughts that i don't think it's appropriate to ask someone to hear all my thoughts...
so, this blog will be a media for me to spill all the dirts